1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Fluid Interfaces Group,

Studied Computer Science, Design. Skilled in building projected interfaces, multi projector systems, 3D UIs,
computer vision based systems, film-making, web-programming, speech input
Why am I taking this class
Interested in understanding how undirected opensource communities evolve. Also, love building gadgets.

Master's Student > Technology, Innovation, and Education > Harvard Graduate School of Education
I have previously studied Television and Film and have worked for 5 years in educational media,
producing engaging video content for the classroom and community.
I am most interested in students as producers of digital media and engaging learners outside of the classroom.
I believe strongly in the idea of distributed cognition and think that digital networks
can be an incredibly powerful means of motivating and inspiring learners.
Hi! I am a first year Masters Student with Fluid Interfaces. I am interested in how interfaces and software can make
people smarter, happier, and more motivated.
Computer science
Why I am taking the class
I want to design tools that can make people smarter in all aspects of their lives. I am particularly interested in the possibility of
using these tools to make us superhuman and more interesting creatures.
First year Masters student in Lifelong Kindergarten @Media Lab
I have a background in Computer Science and prior to being at the lab I spend 5 years at Google as a Front End Engineer.
I'm interested in how we can broaden participation and support creative learning through technology.

MIT Media Lab, Information Ecology / MS1

Interaction Design, Web - Mobile Programming, openFrameworks, Fabrication, Arduino based electronics

I want to make wearables that make learning fun and accessible.

Jifei Ou
1st. year Master's Student @ MIT Media Lab | Tangible Media Group
Prior to the Media Lab, I was studying product design in Germany. I have a firm background on form-giving and strong skills in
fabrication. I have been also playing with electronics and programming for 3 years.
My main research interests focuses on how body and tools (digital or physical) could be seamlessly merged so that people
could work and live better.
Anette von Kapri -
2nd year Master's at the MIT Media Lab, Fluid Interfaces Group.
Background Computer Science, Virtual Reality, Psychology
Interests Bodily perception, 3D User Interfaces, I think when people are in motion they are much more engaged. So I am
interested in how to integrate movement into interfaces.
Affiliation: M.Ed. student in the "Technology, Innovation, and Education" program at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Status: Listener
Interests: Learning science, immersive learning environments powered by technology.
Background: Senior Software Developer / Product Manager in Microsoft Education, Windows Azure Cloud Platform, and
SharePoint Business Intelligence; Software modeling, code generation, reverse-engineering, and UML; IT Consulting;
M.S. in Information Management.
Why am I taking the class: To explore possible ways immersive learning environments can be designed by applying
learning science research in a learner-centric and situated context, optimized by emerging technologies.
Mohit Patel (Listener)
Technology, Innovation and Education program at Harvard Graduate School of Education
Background/Experience:Mechanical/Industrial engineer. Studied at University of
Cambridge. Worked as consultant for process and product design at various large and
small companies associated with University of Cambridge, UK. Founding team member of a
private technical university in India.
Why am I taking this class?
Interested in knowing about new and emerging technologies that may have the
potential to enhance learning experiences. How can technologies be embedded within
sound cognitive science frameworks of learning?
Professor Fluid Interfaces Group MIT MediaLab
Laura Perovich
1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Object Based Media

Studied mathematics.
Professional experience statistical programming, environmental health, and international education.
Experience in design and textile art.

Why am I taking this class
I'm interested in the ways that education and knowledge can bring change.
I'm particularly interested in learning around science and environmental health.

Sophia Brueckner, born in Detroit, MI, is an artist and engineer. Inseparable from computers since the age of two, she believes she is a cyborg. She received her Sc.B. in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from Brown University. As a software engineer at Google, she worked on the front-end development and interface design of products used by tens of millions and later on experimental projects within Google Research. Brueckner earned her MFA in Digital + Media at the Rhode Island School of Design and was also an instructor there teaching a course on science fiction and art. Her artwork has been exhibited internationally, and, in particular, she is interested in interaction design, generative art, algorithmic writing, and, as a technology antidote, painting. She feels an urgency to understand and bring awareness to technology's controlling effects, and to encourage the ethical and thoughtful design of new technologies. She recently joined the MIT Media Lab as a graduate student.

Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
MIT Media Lab, Speech+Mobility / MS1

I have both academic background and industry experience in programming applications (mostly for mobile devices) and iterative user centered design process. Last year, as a part of graduate course work, I implemented the prototype of a ring-fiducial based gesture recognition system using OpenCV and demonstrated its application using a driving game. I would embrace any similar opportunity to augment a game experience through a tangible interaction. Before coming to Media Lab, I was a Human Factors Design Engineer at NetApp, responsible for the user experience of their storage products. During summer 2010, as a User Experience Research Intern at Motorola, I implemented the prototype for Serendipitous Family Stories - a concept of asynchronous storytelling for increasing inter-generational communication. Extending that work, Motorola Mobility launched the public beta of - a new mobile service for story-telling and location-based discovery. Back in 2005, I led a student startup that came up with novel text input technologies in Bengali. Our products were launched by two telecom operators in Bangladesh.

I want to take the Tangible Interfaces class so that I can validate my vision related to user interfaces. I am motivated enough to come back to graduate school from industry for the second time in order to implement at least one of my concepts in this domain. The interfaces I visualize will bridge the gap between interactions and tangible-world-affordances. For example: I am thinking of a pair of gloves with wearable electronics for intuitive interaction with a calculator, a calendar, a music application or with any device. I am interested in transforming any fluid (particularly ferro-fluid) into a user interface. Last year I implemented the prototype of a ring-fiducial based gesture recognition system using OpenCV and demonstrated its application using a driving game. I would embrace any similar opportunity to augment a game experience through a tangible interaction. I plan to team up with other media lab incoming students to participate in CHI 2013 Student Design Competition using the final project of this class.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.


Sheng Kai Tang (Tony) -
1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Tangible Interfaces Group,

It took me 20 years to study and work in diverse domains. From Architecture to Human Computer Interaction, I was trained
to balance my thoughts with both right and left sides of my brain. From academic to industrial fields, I am used to not only
imagine perfect scenarios of the future but rationalize them to become true.
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