Homework readings have been moved to the Assignments page. Submit your reading responses on the Submissions page.   2/7/13- Introduction
  • Intro to the class – Pattie Maes. [Slides]
2/14/13- Intelligence Augmentation
  • Intelligence Augmentation: How do tools augment our intellect? [Slides]
  • How can we design tools to augment our intellect? by Cassandra Xia [Slides
  • Interview with Andy Clark. Interview with Jaron Lanier.
  • Article on Prof Betsy Sparrow’s work on how technology changes our minds
2/21/13- Augmented Reality
  • Wanger, D. 2009. History of Mobile Augmented Reality, Qualcomm, Vuforia
  • Augmented Reality Theory by Roy Shilkrot [Slides]
  • AR Videos shown by Valentin Heun [PDF]
2/28/13- JIT Information Systems + Intelligence Augmentation (cont.)
  • Just-in-time Information systems [Slides]
  • How can we design tools to augment our intellect? by Cassandra Xia [Slides pt 2]
3/7/13- Theories of Learning
  • Learning theories & how will/should learning change in an age where we are always connected
3/14/13- Vision for Future Learning Technologies
  • EXERCISE #1: Vision
3/21/13- Peer-to-peer Learning
  • Learning from others mediated by technology: How can technology facilitate peer-to-peer learning?
  • Guest lecture by Philipp Schmidt, P2PU.ORG
3/28/13 NO CLASS- SPRING BREAK 4/4/13 – Context-aware learning systems[slides]
  • Location based games for learning
  • TED Talk by Jane McGonigal
  • Readings on multi-user games that support learning
  • Guest talk by Eric Klopfer
  • Project proposal, presentation and critique
  • Modeling the User & Tutoring systems: Readings in Intelligent tutoring systems
4/25/13 NO CLASS- SPONSOR WEEK 5/2/13 NO CLASS- CHI CONFERENCE Please use the time to work on your projects and meet with Pattie if you want feedback on your project before the final presentation. 5/9/13 FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATIONS 5/16/13 FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATIONS