Frequently asked questions.
Is there a limit on how many students can join the course?
Since this is a hands-on design course, we want to make sure that all project teams receive mentoring and coaching. There are four instructors (plus two IDEO experts) and we plan to support up to 8 project teams (there could be teams of one, but teams with more than 5 students are probably too big).
Are there any pre-requisites to taking the course?
There are no formal pre-requisites. However, this is a hands-on design course and experience with and skills relevant to prototyping software applications (design, development, product, etc.) is a big plus.
How does the course work?
The course is a mix of seminars, coaching/mentoring sessions, and project work. All participants will work in teams to build prototypes. We plan to support up to 8 project teams. Auditing the course without participation in a project team is not possible.
I am a Harvard student. Can I cross-register?
Yes. Please contact the Harvard registrar to find out how.
Can I participate online?
Not at this point. One of the projects we hope to work on is moving this course online in the future.
How many credits do I earn from this course ?
It’s a 9 credit course