Ai Hasegawa


MIT Media Lab, Design Fictions Group / MS1


Fabrication & Craft ★★★☆
Design ★★★★
Electronics ★☆☆☆
Programming ★☆☆☆
Biology ★☆☆☆
Chemistry ☆☆☆☆

What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?

Biggest physical project was this.
I made the rope structure that contain a thousand huge light‐emitting balloons.

In this project, I have done concept design, visual and physical out put.

other thing I made before

Stop motion animation puppet

Medical model-ish statue

Design fiction,

DIY BIO, Natto from scratch (harvest the bacteria from plants)

What’s the most frustrating object you’ve used?

American money. I feel it is bad design. Size and value are not related.
Example, 10 cents is more smaller the 5cents. Why “dime”? Why
not show the number? Why $1 is note? English pound, Euro, Yen,etc are
these $1 like moneys in coins in most of the country.

What do you personally hope to get out of this class?

Collaborations. These days I worked alone. Most of the time I made by
myself, if I can work other specialists, my creation would open the
new possibility.

Also recently my work was more Sci-fi (I was more about fiction and Bio issue) so I have bit of discontent that I am not working with physical / real world. The tangible things has impact of the reality.

How can you contribute to the class?

I studied media art at IAMAS Japan since 1998, then I’ve been observed and sometimes in participated in the area.

I’ve been working at interactive design/experience design office as a concept, experience designer in London.

After that I’ve studied in Royal college of art Design Interactions, the MA course is about critical design, speculative design and so on.. which is about beyond the current computer culture and design. What kind of new technology would change the life and how?
I think I can contribute art and design perspective with in tangible media context.