Until September 16 (Fri)
If you want to take this class, make sure that you filled out the registration form by noon, Thursday.
We will notify of your class status on Friday, September 18th.
September 21
If you are accepted to the class, create a student profile entry on this WordPress Site. We will send you instructions as soon as this happened.
September 28 – Announcement of Project 1
Project 1:
In your assigned groups, create a tool to connect two (or more) people who have a shared hobby or interest. Think about telepresence, or within the same proximity. Think carefully about the communication, affordance and the story you want your project to convey.
Look at examples such as:
- 3 Gifs showing interactions from the final project
- Project overview page uploaded to wordpress with any related media, animations or photographs.
- Final Presentation of 10 minutes + 10 minutes discussion
November 2 – Project 1 Due + Final Project (Project 2) Given
Project 2: TBD.
- 3 Gifs showing interactions from the final project
- Project overview page uploaded to wordpress with any related media, animations or photographs.
- Final Presentation of 10 minutes + 10 minutes discussion
- Report using Extended Abstract Format
Dec 7th (in class) (Presentations + Web Documentation)
Dec 14th (noon) (Report in Extended Abstract Format)