Digital Shadows
Digital Shadows is a tangible interfaces that allows people in different places to create a…
Digital Shadows is a tangible interfaces that allows people in different places to create a…
Group Members: Tanuja, Dan, Jeremy, Yanjun huminterface-presentation
Clara Lee, Difei Chen, Shruti Dhariwal, Tamer Ahmed Deif Introduction Choreography in the context of…
Team: Chrisoula Kapelonis, Jiabao Li, Kristin Osiecki, Julia Rue People across cultures connect over coffee.…
Contributors Laya Ali Qi Rebekah Karishma Google Slides link (Includes all videos): Individual Youtube Videos:…
H20TONE Lily Gabaree, Alethea Campbell, Siya Takalkar, and Poseidon Ho Videos Gifs H20TONE is a…