Project 2: Radical Atoms Augmentation of Body, Object or Space

Project 2 Brief:

When thinking of Radical Atoms we can approach research from the perspective of the human body, the physical object or the environment around these in space.

For this project you are to design interactions that incorporate any type of computational physical change and sensing for exploration of Radical Atoms. Feel free to take advantage of Tangible Media’s Shape Displays, Pneui or other actuation forms but do not feel limited by our primitives.

To focus your project, try to think of interactions from the perspective of body, object or space and try to match the impedance of the function to the objects you create by thinking critically about the interactions you design.


  • 3 Gifs showing interactions from the final project
  • Project overview page uploaded to wordpress with any related media, animations or photographs.
  • Final Presentation of 10 minutes + 10 minutes discussion
  • Report using Extended Abstract Format

Dec 8th (in class) (Presentations + Web Documentation)
Dec 10th (12pm / noon) (Report in Extended Abstract Format)