Water interface

Carolyn, Haeyoung, Kritika, Marc and Yan

Idea 1. Water Idea

  • Perpetuates change
  • Represents surface and underlying information
  • Transforms information


  1. Put a matrix under the water surface and control them, then user can see it make waves or ripples.
  2. Flexing water bag to see color changes (reflection, patterns)


water       Picture2

Application Ideas

  1. Project Management
  2. Visualizing Impact Data



Idea 2. Shape Display

  • Shape display portable and scalable
  • Transforms information




Idea 3. Radical Dimension

  • Shape display as tool to understand 4th spatial dimension.


  • Curiosity about the 4th spatial dimension= what does a 4D object/ world look like?…. How can we experience them in a more intuitive way?
  • Take advantage of fundamental difference between 3D shape display and 2D pixel display= 1 more spatial dimension.

Understanding 4D




  • Education/ Experiencing 4th spatial dimension
  • Mathematical training/ Graphic understanding
  • High-dimensional data visualization


  • Table shape display-inform
  • Levitational shape dispaly- LEV
  • Interactive 4D toy


  1. Gestures to control the slices, projections and shadows

Picture4      Picture5


2. Eye location (3D) + Hand Gesture (1D) = 4D Viewpoint Location resulting 3D projection geometry change.




3. Tangible interaction – give force to make object rotate in 4D space




As for the water one, you can either create a novel shape changing technique for water, or propose novel compelling applications (of-course having both is ideal!). There are amazing technology for creating computational ripples 1, 2. Imagining applications for these machine could be interesting. Thinking about reflection sounds interesting but hard. There are a lot of water related works, so do survey and find the niche! I did water-related one last year so I can also help 🙂

Portable Shape Display – I would focus on one compelling device/form factor and propose various interaction techniques and concrete applications.

4D – Can people really learn what 4D is with 3D shape changing interfaces? I would like to see it working but I imagine it would be just a random crazy physical animation as a result. Eye and hand gesture thing makes no sense for me. Using GUI seems easier to understand what’s going on.