Until September 14 (Thursday) 5pm

If you would like to take this class, please make sure that you filled out the Signup Sheet by Sep. 14 (Thursday) 5pm. We will notify of your class status on Friday, September 15th.

Until September 20 (Wednesday) 1pm

If you are accepted to the class, create a student profile entry on this WordPress Site. We will send you instructions.

Project I (Oct. 11~Nov. 1)

IO Coincidence, Creating Affordances for 1 Dimensional Information.

Project I – Midterm (Oct. 11~Nov. 1)

November 1 (Wed)  Mid-Term Project Presentation

  • Present concepts, interaction scenarios, hardware demos
  • Documentation for Projects

Project II (Nov 8~Dec 6)

Exploratory Avenues for Tangible Interfaces: Creating unique take on tactile interfaces using embodied, material, or telepresence methods.

Project II – FInal (Nov. 8~Dec. 6)

December 6 (Wed)  Final Project Presentations

  • Original contribution, key concept, interaction scenarios, possible live demos
  • with Web Documentation (WordPress Course Website)

December 8 (Fri)   The Final Project Report Deadline

  • in SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format
    • https://chi2016.acm.org/wp/guide-to-submission-formats/
    • http://prior.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform/sigchi-extended-abstracts-format-2016/view