Class 1 – Orientation

September 13, 2017

  • Welcome and introduction to Tangible Interfaces course (by Hiroshi Ishii)
  • Lecture: Vision-Driven Research: Seamless Media Design (by Hiroshi Ishii)
  • Vision Videos:
  1. Apple Knowledge Navigator   Classic Vision of the Future  1984
  2. Seamless Media Design    Hiroshi Ishii’s Vision of Seamless Collaboration Media: ClearBoard in 1994
  3. World Builder  2013
  4. TRANSFORM   TMG’s Radical Atoms Vision 2014

Readings for next class :


  1. The Computer for the 21st Century” by Mark Weiser
  2. Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces Between People, Bits and Atoms” CHI ’97 by Hiroshi Ishii and Brygg Ullmer
  3. Tangible Bits: Beyond Pixels” TEI ’08 by Hiroshi Ishii
  4. Shape-Changing Interfaces: A Review of the Design Space and Open Research Questions – CHI2012


  • If you want to enroll in this class, fill-in this signup sheet by September 14th (Thursday) 5:00pm.
  • Accepted students will be notified on Sept. 15, Friday.
  • We will form groups for you by next class

Lecture Slides (Hiroshi Ishii)

Class 2 – Interaction design workshop

September 20, 2017

Readings for next class :

  1. The Mother of All Demos by Doug Engelbart
  2. As We May Think by Vannevar Bush
  3. The Theory of Affordances by James J. Gibson
  4. Designing For People by Don Norman

Class 3 – Interpersonal Communication Devices

September 27, 2017

  • Lecture on Interpersonal Communication and Collaboration by Hiroshi Ishii
  • Interaction Design Workshop by TMG Alumni Penny Webb
  • Guest Lecture by Ken Perlin

Readings for next class :

  1. “Iterative Design of Seamless Collaboration Media” by Hiroshi Ishii, Minoru Kobayashi, and Kazuho Arita. 1994. Iterative design of seamless collaboration media. Commun. ACM 37, 8 (August 1994), 83-97
  2. “Tangible Interfaces for Remote Collaboration and Communication” by Scott Brave, Hiroshi Ishii, and Andrew Dahley. 1998 (CSCW 98)
  3. A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design by Bret Victor
  4. We also encourage everyone to watch this talk by Brett Victor: The Humane Representation of Thought

Class 4 – Tangible Bits & Technical Workshop

October 04, 2017

  • Technical Workshop around Photons by TA Dan Levine, Amos Golan and TMG Alumni Richard Whitney
  • Discussion about the readings for this week

Readings for next class :

  • 1:00-2:00pm Prof.Daniel Leithinger‘s guest lecture2:00-2:30pm Discussions on the Readings (Hiroshi Ishii)2:30-3:30pm See what group have done with Photons. Talk about the affordances of their systems.3:30-4:00pm Introduce Project 1 with focus on interpersonal communication devices.
  • Revise Tech Workshop Material
  • Technical Workshop 2 on Sensors and Actuators
  • Discussion about the readings for this week and the visions of Mark Wieser, Doug Engelbart, Vannevar Bush, and Ivan Sutherland

Readings for next class :

Recommended Reading:
Malcolm McCullough 
“Abstracting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand ” 1996

October 18, 2017 – No Class due to Media Lab Member Meeting

Class 6 – Inter-material Interaction

October 25, 2017

Readings for next class :

Class 7 – Project 1 Presentation and Demo

November 01, 2017

  • 10 minutes per presentation
  • 5 minutes for feedback
  • 20 minutes for demo and informal feedback

Readings for next class :

Class 8 – Future Materiality

November 08, 2017

  • Guest Lecture: TMG PhD’ Candidate Jifei Ou on Programmable Materials
  • Hiroshi Ishii’s lecture on Radical Atoms
  • Discussion on the readings
  • Introduction to Project 2

Please look at examples such as:

 Readings for next class :

Class 9 – Affordances – Prof. Don Norman

November 15, 2017

  • Guest Lecture: TMG Alumni  Xiao Xiao
  • Guest Lecture: Professor Don Norman

Readings for next class :

Class 10 – 

November 22, 2017

  • Guest Lecture: Skylar Tibbits
  • Final Project Discussion (conceptual aspects)

Class 11 –Sci-Fi Inspired Interfaces

November 29, 2017

  • Guest Lecture: Dan Novy on Sci-Fi Inspired Interfaces
  • Final Project Discussion and Preparation (technical aspects)

Class 12 – Final Presentations

December 06, 2017