AffIE: Affective Interactive Environment || Randy Rockinson || MAS630


Problem Formulation

System Overview
Interaction Dialog



AffIE is a first step towards the creation of an interactive environment that takes into account the user's current affect. The goal is to be able to do context aware experience sampling informed by the user's current emotional state to help create interventions for proactive healthcare. This sampling can be used to deliver proper motivations and suggestions at the correct time in the correct context, both physical and emotional, and to help the user to log their daily emotional fluctuations and the possible causes of those fluctuations.

As an exploratory first step toward this end goal, AffIE is currently designed to explore methods of answering two fundamental questions associated with this sort of interactive environment. Namely:

  1. How to measure affect (both valence and arousal)?

  2. How to understand when a person is physically active?

a method of distinguishing between heart rate fluctuations due to physical activity and those to an emotional state change. It does so by providing a personal environment  that uses hardware to understand if the user is sitting, standing, or walking and monitors thefluctuations in the QRS complex of the user' s heart rate. Monitoring and Just-in-Time context sampling is able to be done in real time thus allowing for a rich, accurate understanding of the user's condition.