Program Description
- 5 Levers
(- sound)
- Visuals in the Projection
- Sound
- The architecture
(all objects left and right of section cut)
(All objects within section cut)
- Volumes
- dynamically positioned in the voids left and right of the section cut
- controlled by the levers (one lever per Volume/Floor)
- are "previewed" as planes when they become 'available'
- attributes
- color
- shape
- position
- length (how far does it reach into section cut)
- Creatures
- are generated whenever Volumes overlap
- they take on the color of overlapping shapes
- when the volumes retreat they create a tree-like structure that expands into space (mostly 2d)
- Tree like structure slowly decreases (drawn objects get smaller and disappear)
Idle Mode:
- A section cut of the Building is shown
- The section is continuously revealed and covered (floor by floor)
- "Volume previews" highlight certain sections in the building
Game Play Mode:
- If not all floors are revealed yet, they become revealed
- Portals ("Volume previews") appear and disappear
- If a volume appears on a certain floor a lever becomes active
- If people push or pull a lever the volume is extruded into the section cut
- If there is more than one volume, visual overlapping can happen between the volumes
- If 2 or more volumes overlap, a new volume is visible. within this volume the creatures appear
- while the volumes overlap the creatures randomly move around within this space
- Once the overlapping volumes retreat the creatures generate the tree-like structure
- The lever/Volume interaction remains active at all times
~Goal: Generate many tree like structures, play with spatial audio and visual effects
Interaction Model / Game Engine
- Controls all Elements
- Makes sure there are not too few and not too many of any object (performance, visual balance)
- Creates Volumes and shows them as previews. They randomly show any of the Medialab Colors, never the same one twice.
- If they do not get activated, it switches to another Volume. Probably only 3 at a time
- Levers vs Volumes
- Each lever is connected to a volume color
- when the volume previews appear they signal the color which is now active.
- Only one lever can react to this color, and extrude the volume
- If more than 3 levers have been activated, no more previews show up > If none of them overlap, nothing happens, so you want to push the ones back again to receive new volumes.
- Volumes vs Creatures vs Trees
- If volumes overlap the creatures are created
> color of overlap defines creature's color
> The bigger the volume the more Creatures are created
> timespan of overlap defines speed and size of creatures, and lifespan of tree-structure
>> short overlaps make fast, thin branches (because fast the structure extends further into space)
>> long overlaps make slow, thicker branches (because slow the structure does not take up as much space)