About wentingguo

Wenting Guowww.guowenting.com
Harvard GSD, Master in Design Studies, Technology Concentration / MdesS1

I have a bachelor degree of Engineering in Industrial design in Beihang University in Beijing, China. My undergraduate study has equipped me as a designer with a deep understanding of integrated product development process and has helped me to develop a good graphic design skills. My past design works mainly stressed on the user-centered interactive element in the fields of product design. I've also worked at Microsoft Advanced Technology Center and Lenovo Corporate Research and Development as an User Experience and User Interface Intern, focusing on application design of mobile devices.

I have some experience of working on traditional user interface design, and I can see it's now evolving into a more intuitive way of interaction, which is, interaction through tangible interface. I'm really interested in this transformation and wish to learn more about how the information displayed on 2D screen is able to be presented in a physical form.

DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.


Dance Formation Creator

Slides: Dance Formation Creator

Project Description

Dance Formation Creator allows users to physically manipulate pieces on a board into formations for a dance, which are then uploaded into a computer. With this tool, there is no longer a need for the traditional paper and pencil, which can look messy and be tedious to use as the choreographer keeps erasing, making changes, or scraping a formation and starting over. It also makes collaboration easier because two or more choreographers can sit around the board and manipulate the pieces, rather than being constrained to a piece of paper and passes a pencil back and forth.

Once formations are captured into the computer, the computer can provide additional information about a new formation. For example, it can evaluate if a certain dancer moved substantially more than other dancers, thus making the formation change hard to execute for that dancer. This is something that the choreographer may not have caught until rehearsal when the dancers tried the movement themselves.

Dance Formation Creator merges the physical world with the digital by allowing choreographers to manipulate pieces on a board to exercise the creative process of formation creation, and also upload these formations into a computer that can digitally record and evaluate them.