Sticky Blocks


Interface Summary

Users write/draw/speak ideas into blocks, which they then place in a space.  Blocks represent ideas.  Ideas can grouped to form themes.  Themes and ideas can be built upon by other ideas, moved around, shuffled, sorted, etc, and each idea will remember all of its bindings (what themes it’s a part of, what ideas it’s built on).

Project Goal

Sticky Blocks enables users to physically manipulate their ideas, and to project the associations they make in their head, much as they would with post-it notes.  Unlike post-it notes, Sticky Blocks may form more intricate structures and remember former associations.

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About Malik Hussain

Affiliation: M.Ed. student in the "Technology, Innovation, and Education" program at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Status: Listener
Interests: Learning science, immersive learning environments powered by technology.
Background: Senior Software Developer / Product Manager in Microsoft Education, Windows Azure Cloud Platform, and
SharePoint Business Intelligence; Software modeling, code generation, reverse-engineering, and UML; IT Consulting;
M.S. in Information Management.
Why am I taking the class: To explore possible ways immersive learning environments can be designed by applying
learning science research in a learner-centric and situated context, optimized by emerging technologies.