Smart Bricks

PDF: SmartBricks

Recent studies have shown that peak creativity emerges when people are in solitude within a comfortable and uninterrupted environment. Contrary to previous belief, group brainstorming can be stifling to many, especially creatives, many of whom are introverts, because of fear of rejection, not being able to speak up to a vocal colleague or succumbing to peer pressure.

Smart Bricks responds to these issues by giving individuals empowerment and creativity to create their own space and share their ideas at their own pace. The bricks come in 3 sizes and individuals can use them both as modular units to create architectural elements such as walls/white boards, furniture and sketch blocks. In terms of articulating the meeting space, the blocks can be used to create an open meeting space, or individual alcoves for private dialogue.

For sharing information, the blocks can be aggregated in certain ways to collect ideas, via a digital pen, from one individual or a shared group or set up in a systematic way to create an ideas wall. The user also has the option to project their ideas from the block onto the wall.

Research has shown that many eureka ideas come from unexpected environments, thus, by letting the partipants create their own space, ideas may be piqued and the individuals would be able to record and share their ideas directly through their environment.

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About champika

First year Masters student in Lifelong Kindergarten @Media Lab
I have a background in Computer Science and prior to being at the lab I spend 5 years at Google as a Front End Engineer.
I'm interested in how we can broaden participation and support creative learning through technology.