Woongki Sung – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/39185526/Portfolio%20v1.pdf
MIT Architecture Department, Design Computation Group / SMarchS2
Before I got into the SMarchS program, I worked at the architecture firm in Korea as a designer for about 2 years. In those days, I participated in several architecture projects focusing on architectural planning. Since I got into the Master's program, I studied programming and basic electronics to explorer computational applications related to design. During the last year, I developed a kinetic facade using pneumatic sensors and other computational applications such as program plugins for digital fabrication and BIM integration. In addition, I have always had a great interest in crafting, so my previous works include design artifacts and new crafting methodologies.
*Available skills: Rhino, Python, C#, 2D programs(Photoshop, Indesign and etc), and fabrication skills.
My current interest is in exploring creative applications that can enhance design activity. Design itself is a highly creative and dynamic activity, but, in reality, we actually do designs in static and isolated ways; we sit in an office with the computer all day using 20-years-old mouse and keyboards interface, and communicate with other design parties via telephone, emails or intermittent meetings. In comparison to rapidly developing technology, our everyday designing process did not change that much. Viewing many projects of Tangible Media Lab, I became confident that I can learn and examine the potential of contemporary technology to make design activity more interesting and creative as it really is. In this class, I would like to explorer new design interface such as gesture-based input devices using motion sensors, and applications that enhance design-fabrication integrity. Besides these, I will investigate other ideas and possibilities with an open mind.
DIY Electronics
Electrical Eng.
Mech. Eng.