Assignment #3: Perovich
Posted: February 28th, 2013 | Author: Laura Perovich | Filed under: Assignment 3 | No Comments »I was interested in how remembrance tools are meant to map the computer’s framework into the realm of human memory to make interactions more fluid and positive. Though I did begin to wonder how necessary this would be in the future–are human brains instead fully mapping themselves into the digital framework? There is increasing research on cognitive differences for this generation growing up immersed in technology. Sophia’s comments in class about her own experience also made me wonder how much we’re in fact meeting in the middle with technology on this front.
I thought the context tags as a memory structure was a very human and “brain friendly” approach. But it also made me think about how individuals store memories differently from each other–maybe I remember how to get to school based on landmarks, where another person remembers it based on geometry. It would be interesting to personalize systems based on these difference–and possible use this as a way to experience and explore someone else’s memory framework.
Furthermore, many of my strongest memories are “tagged” not by normal, easily captured, context clues (e.g. visual, location). Instead I reference them through an emotion, or a smell, or a texture. I wonder how these triggers might be supported–and whether these ways of remembering fall to the side if they’re not reinforced by technology support while others are.
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