Assignment 7 – Sophia

Posted: April 3rd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Assignment 7 | No Comments » I thought the system that was developed for learning Japanese polite phrases was an extremely good example of just-in-time learning, and it made me think about what might be some other good applications.  Maybe a similar system could be used to help people give public presentations.  A wearable device that reminds the user of their notes on a particular slide might be a much less intrusive than the speaker reading their notes from a computer.  In addition, perhaps such a system could help pull up relevant notes and research during Q&A.  Both would help the user maintain their connection with the audience much better than having to look at things on a screen on the podium.  Also, maybe a system like this could help people in dating situations…helping them get through initial icebreaker questions, reminding them of the other person’s interests, etc. The location-based AR games were also interesting.  I liked the idea of certain games being written for a specific geographical location, especially as tools to improve the landscape or to encourage people in those locations to get to know each other.   The article also mentioned games which get customized to whatever location you are in, and both of these types of AR games are discussed in great detail in the science fiction novel, Halting State, by Charles Stross.  In his novel, he wrote about an elaborate spy game that actually turned out to be a real branch of the  government secret service.  Players were unknowingly working for the government against actual terrorist threats.    

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