New Textiles 2012


Curling flower

My idea for the Shape Memory Alloy assignment was to make a curling flower that would react to light by opening up.  I started by making several prototype petals to see how well my idea would work. I experimented with fabric and paper petals and used a power supple to test how well they curled. Testing Fabric [...]

Pressure Glove Arduino Code

int sensorPin = A4; int sensorValue; int internalLED = 13; int LED1 = 5; int LED2 = 6; int LED3 = 9; int LED4 = 10; int val1 = 200; int val2 = 110; int val3 = 60; int val4 = 30; void setup() { pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT); digitalWrite(sensorPin, HIGH); //turns on the internal pull-up resistor [...]


1. For this project, I wanted to build an interactive dinosaur. The dinosaur will light up when you hold his hand. 2. I first laser-cut 6 pieces of wood to make the dino’s body 3. Then I glued all the parts together 4. Then I am made the “skin” of the dino out of felt [...]

Pressure Sensing Glove

The goal of the project is to create a pressure sensing glove to find the force used when blowing glass to help design glass tools. The most important glass blowing tool are jacks, which are pictured below. Jacks are extremely expensive ranging from $250 to $2000 because they are hand made in low volumes. Thinner blades [...]


Are you new to yoga? If so, do you ever wonder if you are actually doing the poses right? Well to help guide you a bit better, I have prototyped a yogamat that contains sensors to help tell you whether or not your weight is balanced. In order to make this, I first started by [...]

Arduino Code for Flashing Rider’s Glove

int sensorPin = A5; int sensorValue; int internalLED = 13; int LED1 = 5; int LED2 = 6; int LED3 = 9; int LED4 = 10; void setup() { pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT); digitalWrite(sensorPin, HIGH); //turns on the internal pull-up resistor pinMode(internalLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(internalLED, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() [...]