New Textiles 2012


Knitting Assignment

Due: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 For this assignment you will create two knit pieces, one by following an existing pattern and one by developing your own pattern. Part 1. Create a knit swatch from the following pattern: Cast on 20 needles. Knit 10 rows. Carriage should be on right side. Make sure carriage is in [...]

Final Project Proposals

Due: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 For your final project, you’ll explore a specific set of materials, techniques, or applications in depth. You are very welcome (in fact encouraged) to work in groups. The project could take many different forms, including but not limited to: A finished garment or other structure with unique functionality, design, or [...]

Manipulate a Drawn Shape Code

Code that you can use to manipulate a vector image. The image must be in the .svg format (here it’s called shape.svg) and should be in the same folder as the code. import processing.pdf.*; PShape s; void setup() { s = loadShape(“shape.svg”); size(500, 500); //set the size of the window (& the pdf document) smooth(); [...]

experiments with latex and silicone casting

For this week’s assignment I decided to try out several experiments with the latex and silicone as tools for making non woven textiles. The first thing I made is a simple rectangular piece with an LED embedded inside. I used conductive tape for the two ends of the LED and cast it inside the silicone. [...]

controlled surface deformation (with magnets)

Last year, I experimented with embedding small spherical magnets in an elastic fabric in order to simulate a controlled surface deformation: With this assignment, I wanted to recreate a similar effect by embedding the magnets in silicone. First I made a mold by laser cutting plexi and stacking it to get the inverse of what [...]

Felted LED plate

For the nonwoven textile project, I tested felting wool roving with aluminum wool as conductive material. In this quick test, I soldered a small LED to a crimp-beaded aluminum wool. It seems to light up and work! I liked the fact that everything can be felted into one material/surface; no need for stitching conductive thread, [...]

Starry Night

One of my favorite painting is Van Gogh’s Starry Night as evidenced through the pictures below. I wanted to recreate an abstract version of this painting using silicon and optic fibers. I first built a molt using Legos, I left holes where fiber optics should go. I then cut up several fiber optics pieces and scored cuts [...]

Micro (really mili) Fluidic Device

Micro fluidic devices are an emerging topic in Mechanical Engineering and have many applications in chemistry, biology, and medicine. The goal of this project was to create a larger micro fluidic device from silicone to demonstrate some of the properties of low Reynolds number flows  without a microscope. A few mili fluidic devices I made in 2.674 are [...]

Simple Graph Code

Simple Graphing Calculator Code

LSystem Code

General L System Code: