Group 5 | the Third Eye

the Third Eye | ChoongHyo Lee, Jerry Wei-Hua Yao, Seong Ho Yun, Xi Yao Wang

The Third Eye is a navigation glasses for visually impaired people, helping them to understand the environment where they are at. The goal of the glasses is to provide a better walking experience for blind people and make them understand the space through different vibration patterns.
Inspiration, Motivation

The most common aiding tool for visually impaired people nowadays is the walking cane. Although the canes do solve a lot of problems for blind people while they’re walking, there are still certain aspects which remain unsolved. For example, the blind people can only detect the objects within the moving range of their canes (a small sector area). And also they need to actually touch the obstacles in order to know what objects are they dealing with, or where the obstacles are.
Therefore, most of the time blind people are just avoiding obstacles on the street. They didn’t really know what is around them until they touch it with their canes. That is why we wanted to build a device which can work WITH the cane, solving the problems that the cane have and doing the things that the cane cannot do. By wearing the Third Eye, it enables the users to have the a basic understanding and the sense of environment just like we do.
Design Decisions, Constraints 
We started this project trying to replace the cane by different types of wearable devices. However, after realizing that the cane does not only work as an aiding tool for blind people, it also makes them feel more secure and safer while using it. We decided to put more effort on helping the blind people to understand the environment without touching the objects. And we came up with the idea of vibration patterns.


Implementation (and links to code/related materials)

Final Experience, Lessons Learned

  • Research about the best location for the vibration motors (the most sensitive spot on the face)
  • The vibration somewhat affect/interfere the users hearing experience.
  • Think of more interaction between the glasses and the canes.
