Team 3 – The Inner Circle

Johae Song, Yiji He, Hui Yuan, Takatoshi Yoshida, Ruthi Aladjem

The Concept
The Inner Circle is a gesture operated wearable device, designed to create a space for communication, privacy and intimacy in crowded, noisy locations. This device  can be used  for planned  or serendipitous encounters, by groups of two or more.
The idea of an “Inner Circle” is contradictive, depending on the observer’s point of view:

On the one hand, it symbolizes the intrinsic need to belong, to have a close group of people to communicate with, in an intimate manner. The choice to manifest the solution as  a mobile wearable hub, signifies the realization that no one can escape the crowd and noise; finding a quite location is not an option and therefore, we need to adapt and to find a solution for this need, in the midst of the crowd.

On the other hand, for someone outside that inner circle, it may seem like an exclusive group that one cannot join or be a part of.

Thus, the  sincere need and motivation to find some quite amongst the crowd, can be seen, at the same time, as a bold statement, a protest and a call for a “quite revolution”.