MAS134 Salient Stills Projects 1994

As followup on our class discussions on the relationship between process and narrative, students analyzed various processes and struggled how they might represent them with Salient Stills.

The "Salient Still" is a technique developed by the News In the Future Consortium here at Media Lab for creating high-resolution, variable-aspect ratio stills from video that give an idea of the temporal qualities of a scene. Although the computation is automated, there are many aspects of the process that must be set and tweaked by hand, making the creation of Salient Stills an art that requires skill and patience.

Below is some of the students' work. To appreciate the constraints on the authors fully, read The Salient Stills Assignment. On each student's home page you may find their design journal or leave comments if you wish.

Wrapping a Gift
by Alberto Castillo and Douglas Soo

Process Definition

The Stills

The Puppeteer
by Matt Gorbet and Richard Lachman

Process Definition

The Stills

The LSC Experience
by Jennifer Glos, Chris Graczyk, Rajiv A. Manglani, and Rolf Rando

Process Definition

The Stills

Making Ice Cream at Tosci's
by Brian Jacobson and David Newell

Process Definition

The Stills