
small's blog

Spectacle and the Street: Civic Rituals and Public Space

Dear class,

This lecture tonight might be good inspiration for our E14 performance project. Also, the work of Bread and Puppet is amazing if you are not familiar with it. Please attend if you can.

Also, as a reminder here are the two out of class required lectures for this term:

Bill Viola 6:30pm Tuesday, March 10. Room 10-250

Paul Mijksenaar 5pm Monday, March 30. Weisner Room



Center for Advanced Visual Studies 265 Massachusetts Ave 3rd Fl N52-390 Cambridge MA 02139 617 253 4415 www.cavs.mit.edu

CAVS Fellow John Bell
Spectacle and the Street: Civic Rituals and Public Space
Tuesday, February 24, 6:30 PM

What is a block diagram? (with example)

Hi class,

There was a question about the "block diagram" for this week's assignment. It is common when proposing a project to provide, or be asked to provide, a block diagram. There is no strict meaning or format, but generally it consists of a series of labelled boxes with lines or arrows connecting them. For a hardware project, the block diagram can show the major components of the system and how they are connected. For a software project, a good block diagram makes clear how the software will be architected and how it is modularized. I find this to be a very useful part of the design process, because when you have difficulty making the diagram, if usually means that you didn't think enough about how it would actually work. And when you do have a good diagram, it makes it easy to farm out the production of a project, debug it and explain it to the client. It is also very useful when working with various trades, such as electricians and fabricators. (click title for more...)

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