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AnnouncementAssignment for Tuesday 4/7 E14 Performance: Work ResultsSoftware Team: Graphics: Audio and Interaction (currently the same)
another facade ideareally, a "shooter" might work...
Paul Mijksenaar's Talk on MondayWe are very happy to welcome Paul Mijksenaar to our class next Tuesday. Find below the info for his talk on Monday, we expect to see all of MAS 960. WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: SUMMARY: BIO:
Assignment #04: vertical travel installation(Just a heads up about the next assignment, from Dave, in case you wanted to start thinking about it earlier. Please first be sure to read the readings for Ben Rubin's lecture. This design assignment will be due next Tuesday, on March 3rd.) Design an installation that would work with either E14's elevator OR one or more staircases. This can be either an artistic installation, or For this assignment, I would prefer to see an animation. If, however, you feel that your design can be thoughtfully expressed in some other way (sketches, models, etc.), that is also acceptable.
Readings for Feb. 26th (Ben Rubin Guest Lecture)Dear class, Ben Rubin has suggested four short readings for us in preparation for class on Thursday.
Assignment #2 Phase 2 remindersHi all, Dave wanted to send out a reminder for the homework and class next Tuesday. Please plan your presentation ahead of class, since you will only be given 5 min. per person to explain your project. We have set this time limit so we will have enough time for discussion after each presentation. We do not expect you to cover every aspect of your project during presentation; we can read about the details from your online submission. Instead, for your presentation, just pick out the parts of your ideas that you find the most important and share them with the class. Ask/post/email if you have any questions!
Readings for Thursday Feb 19th class discussion[revised by agnes] There are three readings for class discussion tomorrow, all posted in the syllabus. It might seem like a lot, but they are all pretty easy reads so you can read quickly and catch what interests you. 1. Body, Personal Relations, and Spatial Values in Space and Place by Yi-Fu Tuan 2. Selections from A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction by Christopher Alexander
Spectacle and the Street: Civic Rituals and Public SpaceDear class, This lecture tonight might be good inspiration for our E14 performance project. Also, the work of Bread and Puppet is amazing if you are not familiar with it. Please attend if you can. Also, as a reminder here are the two out of class required lectures for this term: Bill Viola 6:30pm Tuesday, March 10. Room 10-250 Paul Mijksenaar 5pm Monday, March 30. Weisner Room thanks, dave Center for Advanced Visual Studies 265 Massachusetts Ave 3rd Fl N52-390 Cambridge MA 02139 617 253 4415 www.cavs.mit.edu CAVS Fellow John Bell
What is a block diagram? (with example)Hi class, There was a question about the "block diagram" for this week's assignment. It is common when proposing a project to provide, or be asked to provide, a block diagram. There is no strict meaning or format, but generally it consists of a series of labelled boxes with lines or arrows connecting them. For a hardware project, the block diagram can show the major components of the system and how they are connected. For a software project, a good block diagram makes clear how the software will be architected and how it is modularized. I find this to be a very useful part of the design process, because when you have difficulty making the diagram, if usually means that you didn't think enough about how it would actually work. And when you do have a good diagram, it makes it easy to farm out the production of a project, debug it and explain it to the client. It is also very useful when working with various trades, such as electricians and fabricators. (click title for more...)
Annoucement: E14 information postedHello everyone, Just wanted to let you know that we have uploaded resources about E14 on the E14 Info page, linked at the top. Current content includes floorplans, sections, and a 3d model. Feel free to use these in any way for your assignments throughout the semester. If you would like something (anything) that isn't there, let us know and we'll see about getting it for you. The offer also extends to things that aren't E14 -- if you would like something (anything) about space or information that isn't here (or anywhere), let us know and we'll see what we can do. Enjoy!
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