
E14/E15 Wayshowing Draft

The system described in the attached draft proposal addresses wayshowing as well as other roles of electronic signage and information in the E14/E15 complex. It is intended to provide, generate, and store useful information in a variety of contexts using practical and readily implementable methods.

Good job!


This is really good - I appreciate the level of detail conceptually and in the software architecture. I'd like to hear more about how the proximity and identity sensors would effect the graphics. How do you know what the system knows about you? If people are working in glass labs and are visible to the naked eye, does a system that amplifies that transparency throughout the complex change the privacy equation. Is there a symmetry that could help (if you can see me, can't I see you too?)

What does the map look like and why?

I like the fact that your concept is quite realistically implementable.