I like that you thought a bit about accessibility, but I wish you had taken one concept and developed it in a bit more detail. Graphically, it could use some work (both the PDF and the signs). the color on the signs to me just added a lot of clutter.
With regards to the color, I was trying to tie the labs together on the map so the user could sense which spaces belonged to the same group.
I rushed through this in the preso, but each lab was colored according to the color of the actual planet it was named after. Mars was red, Venus yellow, Jupiter orange, etc.
On the multi-floor map on the side bar, hopefully you would see (for instance) Mars' red on floor 3 and floor 4 and realize they were together. The white space was open air, you couldn't go into. (That was the aim anyway).
Oh, walkways were grey, stairs were given another color, conference rooms (and other nonlab space) a different one.
Also, on the event list, it alternated grey and lightly colored to separate events, but if an event was occurring at that particular moment, it would flash red and have an icon on the map.
I admire all the designer's presos in class. I'll work on my preso skills.
a little all over the place
I like that you thought a bit about accessibility, but I wish you had taken one concept and developed it in a bit more detail. Graphically, it could use some work (both the PDF and the signs). the color on the signs to me just added a lot of clutter.
Thanks for the comments.
Just in case anyone was wondering...
With regards to the color, I was trying to tie the labs together on the map so the user could sense which spaces belonged to the same group.
I rushed through this in the preso, but each lab was colored according to the color of the actual planet it was named after. Mars was red, Venus yellow, Jupiter orange, etc.
On the multi-floor map on the side bar, hopefully you would see (for instance) Mars' red on floor 3 and floor 4 and realize they were together. The white space was open air, you couldn't go into. (That was the aim anyway).
Oh, walkways were grey, stairs were given another color, conference rooms (and other nonlab space) a different one.
Also, on the event list, it alternated grey and lightly colored to separate events, but if an event was occurring at that particular moment, it would flash red and have an icon on the map.
I admire all the designer's presos in class. I'll work on my preso skills.