
E14/E15 Wayshowing Proposal

The system described in the attached proposal addresses wayshowing as well as other roles of electronic signage and information in the E14/E15 complex. It is intended to provide, generate, and store useful information in a variety of contexts using practical and readily implementable methods.

The current draft details additional modes briefly discussed in the first draft. Current methods are shown and the design of the new system is discussed in greater depth.

well thought out

You definitely get points for all the detail in the proposal. It also was one of the few that could actually be implemented in real life. I like that you took the time to think through how much information could comfortably fit onto the display and how it would be organized. I think the screens themselves were a bit dense - white space is always a good element to work in. I would have liked to hear more about what it could do for lab residents.