MIT Media Lab | Tangible Media Group
September 4, 2013
- The first class of MAS834 Fall 2013: Welcome and introduction of Tangible Interfaces course (by Hiroshi Ishii)
- Lecture: Vision-Driven Research: Seamless Media Design (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides (uploaded on 9/4/13)
- Online Sign-up Sheet (Google Form) & Questionnaire for Selection (by Tony)
- Enrollment decision and notification by September 6th (Friday)
- Vision Videos:
- Apple Knowledge Navigator
- World Builder
- Seamless Media Design
September 11, 2013
- Announcement of Solo Project 0: COLLABORATIVE IDEATION ▶ Due September 18. Presentation by individual student in Pecha-Kucha format on 09/18.
- Lecture: Introduction of Visual Thinking (by Hiroshi Ishii)
- Workshop 1: Sketching and physical prototyping for rapid Ideation (by Xiao Xiao, Ph.D. candidate of TMG) ▶ prototyping_slides (2013), prototyping_process_slides (2012)
- Lecture: Introduction of TUI #1 (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides (2013)
- Readings:
- “Seamless Media Design” by Hiroshi Ishii, Minoru Kobayashi and Kazuho Arita
- “Affordances of Media Spaces for Collaboration” by William W. Gaver
- “Tangible bits: towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and atoms” by Hiroshi Ishii and Brygg Ullmer
- “Tangible bits: beyond pixels” by Hiroshi Ishii
September 18, 2013
- Presentation of Solo Project 0: COLLABORATIVE IDEATION including Self Introduction (by each student using Pecha-Kucha format to manage time)
- Group forming toward Collaborative Project 1
- Readings:
- Doug Engelbart (The Economist)
- Computer Visionary Who Invented the Mouse (New York Times)
- 1968 Demo of NLS by Doug Engelbart
- “The Computer for the 21st Century” by Mark Weiser
September 25, 2013
- Announcement of Project 1: 3D TANGIBLES WITH DIGITAL SHADOWS
- Lecture: Introduction of TUI #2 (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ slides (2013)
- Guest Lecture by Dr. James Patten on Explorations of Tabletop Tangible Interfaces and Beyond
- Group forming and initial discussion on Project 1
- Readings:
- “Bricks: laying the foundations for graspable user interfaces ” by Fitzmaurice, Ishii, and Buxton
- “Urp: a luminous-tangible workbench for urban planning and design.” by John Underkoffler and Hiroshi Ishii
- “Milliseconds Matter” by Gray and Boehm-Davis
- “The Intelligent Use of Space” by Kirsh
October 2, 2013
- An Observational Study of How Objects Support Engineering Design Thinking and Communication: Implications for the design of tangible media
October 9, 2013
- Lecture: Exploring Adaptive Tangibles (by Tony)
- Progress Review & Group working session for Project 1
- Hiroshi and Jifei are absent (UIST 2014)
- Readings:
- “Affordance, Conventions and Design” by Donald Norman
- “inFORM: Dynamic Physical Affordances and Constraints through Shape and Object Actuation” by Sean Follmer, Daniel Leithinger, Alex Olwal, Akimitsu Hogge and Hiroshi Ishii.
- “Shaping the future” by Tom Geller.
October 16, 2013
- Presentation of Project 1: 3D TANGIBLES WITH DIGITAL SHADOWS
- Guest Lecture by Gian Pangaro on “Designer’s Remorse? The Actuated Workbench Ten Years Later “
- Readings:
October 23, 2013
- No Class because of the Media Lab Member’s Week
October 30, 2013
- Guest Lecture by David Rose on “Designing Enchanted Objects”
- Announcement of Project 2: PROGRAMMABLE MATERIAlLITY
- Group working session for Project 2
- Hiroshi and Jifei are absent (in Japan)
- Readings:
- Readings: Radical Atoms_ACM_Interactions toward the Project
November 6, 2013
- Guest Lecture by Dr. Rich Fletcher on “Design for Health“
- Group working session for Project 2
- Hiroshi and Jifei are absent (in Japan)
- Readings:
- “Mind the Theoretical Gap: Interpreting, Using, and Developing Behavioral Theory in HCI Research” by Eric B. Hekler, Predrag Klasnja, Jon E. Froehlich, and Matthew P. Byman
- “Technologies for Global Health” by Peter Howitt et al.
November 13, 2013
- Lecture: “Beyond Tangible Bits, Toward Radical Atoms” (by Hiroshi Ishii) ▶ Slides 2013-11-13_MAS834_RadicalAtoms (2013)
- Lecture: “Shape Display” (by Daniel Leithinger and Sean Follmer) ▶ inForm video
- Guest Lecture by Prof. Neri Oxman on “The Eyes of the Skin“
November 20, 2013
- Guest Lecture by Dr. Amit Zoran on “Hybrids” (2:00-3:30)
- Lecture: “Soft Transformable & Sensing Materials” (by Lining and Jifei) (3:40 – 4:50)
- Readings:
- “PneUI: Pneumatically Actuated Soft Composite Materials for Shape Changing Interfaces” by Lining Yao, Ryuma Niiyama, Jifei Ou, Sean Follmer, Clark Della Silva, Hiroshi Ishii.
- “Hybrid Reassemblage: An Exploration of Craft, Digital Fabrication and Artifact Uniqueness” by Amit Zoran and Leah Buechley
- “Hybrid Basketry: Interweaving Digital Practice within Contemporary Craft” by Amit Zoran
- “Human-computer Interaction for Hybrid Carving” by Amit Zoran, Roy Shilkrot and Joseph Paradiso
- “A platform for manipulation and examination of the acoustic guitar:The Chameleon Guitar” by Amit Zoran, Stephen Welch and William D. Hunt
November 27, 2013
- Guest Lecture by Prof. Skylar Tibbits on “Self-Assembly and Programmable Materials” (1:30 – 2:30)
- Guest Lecture by Dr. Amanda Parkes & Corrie Van Sice on “Dynamic Materials” (2:30-3:40)
- Group working session for Project 2 (3:50 – 4:50)
- Readings
- “Beyond Biomimicry” by William Myers
- “Materializing Energy” by Pierce, J. and Paolos, E.
- “McLuhan and the Body as Medium” by Richard Cavall
- “Who’s Afraid of the In-between?” by Jens Hauser
December 4, 2013
- Lecture: “Envision, Embody and Inspire” (by Hiroshi Ishii)
- Progress Review & Group working session for Project 2
- Readings
December 11, 2013 (Final Project Presentation)
- Presentation of Project 2: PROGRAMMABLE MATERIALITY
- Photo shooting
- Final remarks