Submit your reading responses on the Submissions page.

Final Presentation and Final Paper

Final Paper – Due 5/16
Final Presentation – In class 5/9 or 5/16 (email Pattie+TAs to schedule)
Since there is no class the week of 5/2, please use the time to work on your projects and meet with Pattie outside of class. The expectations for the final presentation and final paper are to give a detailed account of:

a. which problem/opportunity are you addressing?
b. what is your approach and how is it unique/novel?
c. what is the related work and how is it different?
d. give some detailed usage scenarios
e. discuss implementation of the system:
- design & user experience/interface
- system architecture & implementation
- what have you implemented and what remains to be done
f. what have you learned from this project, what worked, what didn’t, what obstacles did you face and what can others learn from your experience?
g. how does your project relate to the class theme of “everywhere learning”
and to what extent can your approach be generalized to other learning contexts

Finally, a live or video demonstration (of part of the functionality/design) is highly recommended.

The presentation should be 10-15 mins and cover all of the above topics. The paper should be a 2 page paper in CHI format and cover these same issues. The CHI format can be found here:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!


Due 11 Apr 2013

Please prepare a 10 minute presentation per person and discuss:
  •  what problem/opportunity do you address with your project?
  • what is the solution you propose?
  • is this approach/solution original? What related work exists?
  • present some concrete usage scenarios, esp relating your project to the theme of everywhere learning
  •  how will you implement the project and how far do you hope to get?
  • what do you hope to demonstrate?

We will follow each presentation with a constructive feedback discussion.

Finally, please upload a 1-2 page version of your proposal online as well (by the weekend is ok).

Assignment 7

Due 4 Apr 2013

Please write a half-page reflection in response to these readings and post it on our class website before class.

Assignment 6

Due 21 Mar 2013

Please post on the following articles that  describe different community-based learning scenarios. The guest speaker for this class is particularly interested in how these technologies may be used to complement the more ad-hoc/in-situ experiences.
  • John Seely Brown and Richard Adler (2008): Minds on Fire. Educause Review.
  • Ivan Illich: Deschooling Society (1970) (Chapter 6: Learning Webs)
  • Mamykina (2011), Design Lessons from the Fastest Q&A Site in the West (CHI paper) for an interesting take on just-in-time responses and study to determine if large enough Q&A communities can provide sufficient immediacy.

Assignment 5

Due 14 March 2013

  • Come up with a detailed use case scenario of how learning could take place in the future
    • What artifacts?
    • How used?
    • Illustrate with user scenario
    • Discuss technical issues, pros and cons
    • Discuss impact?
    • Do not worry about technical feasibility
  • 2-page paper + 10 min presentation in class

Assignment 4

Due 7 Mar 2013

Please pick one of the topics below and prepare a 10 min slide presentation for next week’s class. Put your name next to that topic so we know it is covered. Some of these topics are learning theories, some of them discussions of how technology is changing learning. If you want to cover another topic or paper than those listed here, please check with Pattie first.
  • Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21stCentury – Henry Jenkins (Brandon)
  • Halverson – Rethinking Education  in the age of Technology (Jifei)
  • Situated learning – Lave & Wegner, also Hung (Dhairya)
  • Experiential learning – Kolb (Tony)
  • Problem-based Learning – Barrows (Yihui)
  • Constructivist learning – Dewey (Champika)
  • Constructionist learning - Papert (Anirudh)
  • Spacing effect (and application) (Sophia)


Assignment 3

Due 27 Feb 2013

The wearable remembrance agent: A system for augmented memory by Bradley J. Rhodes

and (a lot of overlap):

Just in time information retrieval agents by Bradley Rhodes & Pattie Maes. IBM Systems journal


Assignment 2

Due  20 Feb 2013

D. W. F. van Krevelen, R. Poelman. A Survey of Augmented Reality Technologies, Applications and Limitations. Paper.


Assignment 1

Due 13 Feb 2013

Please upload about half a page of thoughts and comments related to the readings by Engelbart and Kamvar. Specifically, what are your thoughts regarding what tools for knowing and learning we ought to be developing? What are some other interesting books or articles with a good perspective on this issue?