Feel free to add your suggestions on this page followed by your name.

  • Interesting article http://www.knightfoundation.org/blogs/knightblog/2012/2/25/exploring-role-21st-century-library-age-e-books-and-online-content/ (anirudh)
  • How Arduino is open sourcing imagination- Video (anirudh)
  • A project by a fellow medialabber- Thinkertoys- (anirudh)
  • Can we do a field trip to a nearby school/mechanical workshop exploring opportunities talking to teachers/students etc? -John
  • http://www.ted.com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together.html
  • Wired 24/7 Lanier, Stephenson, Gershenfeld, Paikin, Hunt (2009) http://www.q2cfestival.com/play.php?lecture_id=8012
  • On the usefulness of forgetting (Cassandra)
  • Sand Animation (Anirudh)