
danielm's blog

Final: Abstract Auditory Mapping

Yes indeed.

Branding E14

With the power of sunlight!

E14 Projection Test Photos

Here are some photos and video I took took of the test projections. Sorry about the blurriness— I should have brought a tripod. These haven't been tweaked at all; the results where quite spectacular.

Waves and Radiation

We're already familiar with electronic devices such as radios and geiger counters that use audio to reveal invisible aspects of our physical world. This system extends the analogy through a personal device that translates the structure and spaces of E14 into audible traces.


E14 Facade Ideas

Powers of E14 | DormFlock | Arachne

Navigating the Elevator

Because they are so spatially and temporally circumscribed, elevators have engendered an commonly understood but poorly articulated set of rules for maintaining personal space. An AI system learns these heuristics by observation, and presents elevator riders with a model of their own behavior as a formal diagram of the type used to illustrate ballroom dances.

E14 Wayshowing Final

New and Improved

E14 Wayshowing

Floor plans linearized to reflect experience walking from elevator.
Heart of display systems outside of elevators and labs.
Explained through animation “unrolling” a slice through a 3D model.
Forms a coherant map of interior spaces — a backdrop for context sensitive info displays.
Draws from each lab’s blog posts and posted photos to provide an up to date but mediated snapshot of what’s new. (tag clouds, etc.)
Info is tailored to each screen’s audience: unknown viewers get indication of room number ranges, known residents get more info about places where they spend less time.
Subtle changes — helpful without being creepy.

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