New Textiles 2012


Knitting a Tuck Pattern Texture

All knitting done on the fine gauge machine: PART 1: Attempt 1: Botched the cast-off But the knit was pretty nice. Attempt 2: Experimenting with a different yarn, trying to find a good tension… I found that less tension (around 7) worked better for this particular yarn. I was almost successful, but dropped a stitch [...]

Almost fish

The knitting assignment is without a doubt the most frustrating one for me. I had so much trouble operating the machine. I spent most of the time trying to cast on, but i just couldn’t do it right. I lost needles almost every time. I think I got it right about 5 times out of [...]

Terrain – knitted landscape

Knitting with knitting machine! I was excited to start this assignment, especially after seeing a sample of a 3d knitted fabric. The first part of the assignment was to make a swatch following the pattern below: Cast on 20 needles. Knit 10 rows. Carriage should be on right side. Make sure carriage is in the [...]

Embroidery or 3d printed textile

Due: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 You have three weeks to complete this assignment and you have two different options: Option 1: Embroidery Write a program, or modify an existing program, to create a two dimensional pattern and use the embroidery machine to apply your pattern to a textile OR design and embroider an interactive circuit [...]

Crimson and White Sock

For my knitting assignment, I followed the instructions for part 1 and was successfully able to create the required piece which ends up having more knitting in the middle of the piece and the structure of a mountain peak.  I had not used a knitting machine before so getting this piece right took many iterations [...]


The past two weeks, I spent a lot of time learning to operate a knitting machine. After many cast-on / cast-off failures, I finally managed to hone my skills. Through this weeks assignment, I worked on several different pieces. The first was provided as part of the assignment construction. I used the fine guage knitting [...]

laser cut lace final objects

Final Project Proposal: A professional style women’s vest with laser cut lace appliqué based on a mathematical design. The work will be an extension of the Laser Cut Lace assignment and will further the project by the creation of more Processing models and shapes fit to clothing dimensions. Project Goals: —Usable final product Durable: Lace [...]

pearls and extra thread 3D stiches

knit pattern meanings 10 stitches across of each patter will be shown at minimum, more if needed for pattern pattern spacing for readability 1 leave hook in knit position 0 pull hook all the way forward > move stitch one to the right < move stitch one to the left ….. continue pattern x# number [...]

A Waving Dress.

For my final project I am looking to create a dynamic  garment that utilizes the following techniques: Laser cutting Mixing Knit/Woven Fabrics Shape Memory Alloys My inspiriation comes from the designer Hussein Chalayan, who has used nitinol to create dynamic apparel. See video below. For my project, I would like to design a dress that utilizes these techniques [...]

Final Project Proposal : modulated screen

PROPOSAL: As a continued exploration of my studies in embedding magnets in silicone along with the experiment of casting silicone into a folded structure, I propose a screening device that is either manually controlled through physical interaction with the embedded magnets or electronically controlled through a sensor-based interaction. The actuation I hope to achieve is [...]