I'm 29, have four years experience with programming to mobile devices and over the last year i've been playing with micro controllers and simple electronics. I've served the Israeli army for three years and worked at several start-ups before coming to pursue a MS degree in Media Arts and Sciences at the Media Lab.
I am first year Master's student in Speech Mobility group in the Media Lab. I am fresh out of college; I majored in Media Arts and Sciences. For the arts, I concentrated on digital imaging, 3d modeling and animation. My technical work is focused on Augmented Reality, hand gesture recognition systems, computer graphics and computer vision.
I have a Computer Engineering and HCI background. For the past two years, I worked in a research institute designing and developing web-based collaborative planning interfaces. These tools assist decision makers in planning complex infrastructures collaboratively.
Philipp is an Interaction Designer from Germany and currently a research assistant and MS candidate in the Tangible Media Group. He enjoys observing peculiarities in everyday life technologies and is interested in finding novel ways that let physical objects convey information in a meaningful and contextual way.
Prior to joining the Tangible Media Group Philipp worked as a research assistant for Disney Research and also as a designer for the Berlin based agency ART+COM.
His work is also documented on his personal portfolio: www.bimster.com