Ashton Graybiel Spatial Orientation Lab, Brain Computer Interface Group / MA2
★★★★ Art
★★★★ Architecture
★★★★ Craft/Fabrication
★★★★ Design
★★★★ DIY Electronics
★★★★ Electrical Eng.
★★★★ Mech. Eng.
★★★★ Programming/CS
This is Wanli, a master student with Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Psychology background. I have experience with artificial intelligence, computer graphics, computer networks, databases, operating systems, and FPGA design. Currently I am developing a Brain-Computer Interface with machine learning algorithms for my thesis.
I am working to apply principles of cognitive psychology to the design of human-computer interfaces, and I am interested in developing wearable devices and tangible products that could materialize digital information or virtualize physical objects.