
Team members:

Michael Degen, Jason Tucker, Michael Chuah, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao


LightBundle is an optical fiber bundle with color-changing properties based on direct manipulation with the bundle and its composing strands. Inspired by daily interactions with flower bouquets and bundles of vegetables (such as asparagus), through grabbing, peeling, twisting the bundle, this enables seamless transition between the whole (the bundle) and the fraction (the strand). The metaphoric plant properties lends itself naturally to tangible interactions ranging from timing, location, social awareness to energy transfer.

Presentation Slides:

LightBundle_slides (pdf)

Paper Writeup:

LightBundle_chi_writeup (pdf)

Additional Material:

Scenario Videos:  [Waking up] [Dinner Party] [Alarm]  [Energy Transfer] [HeartBundle] [Weather]

Work Division:

Ideation: Cindy, Michael C., Michael D., Jason
Fabrication: Michael D., Michael C., Jason
Software prototyping: Cindy
Hardware prototyping: Cindy, Michael C., Michael D.
Video Shooting: Michael D., Jason
Video Editing: Jason, Michael D.
Presentation Slides: Cindy, Jason
Paper Writeup: Cindy, Michael C.