Augmented Reality & Situated Learning

Posted: February 21st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Assignment 2 | No Comments »

Augmented Reality (AR) is exciting because of the potential to embed the powerful elements of digital technologies in the physical world. The fluid nature of this technology enables digital information to enhance our experience in the world rather than extend at best and distract at worst.

Currently, the technical challenges to realizing AR technologies seem less daunting than the structural and content challenges. If we are to have a “network of things” in a ubiquitous computing environment, where does the content come from and how does it connect to the rest of our digital world. AR is presently stifled by the need to rely on singular, static applications. Just as the internet is a platform that is built upon a codified structure, enabling easy connectivity and adaptability, AR needs a similar construct. Relying on QR codes and “entering” hotspots and specified GPS triggers is not seamless and leaves AR in the realm of technical gadgetry.

The true advantage of AR is its potential to understand context and provide relevant content in real time. For instance, a powerful learning application for AR is a technology that understands a learner, including her interests, preferred modalities of learning, areas of study, needs for support, and history. The system then compares this profile with the surrounding context of the learner and presents her with authentic learning opportunities that leverage local assets. The most exciting thing about AR is the ability to provide content to learners at optimal times, leveraging knowledge of users and local environments to create meaningful connections.

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