Just-In-Time Learning Technologies
Posted: February 28th, 2013 | Author: dhill24 | Filed under: Assignment 3 | No Comments »In order for just-in-time learning to work, it requires accurate delivery of content in various situations and in real-time. The problem with most technologies today is that the content is often not “smart” in the sense that its relevance is dependent on the user rather than the machine. In addition, it is difficult for real-time communication to occur, since there are few natural triggers that our devices utilize in order to present us with timely information.
In order for true situated learning to take place, technology must begin to recognize optimal learning places and times so that it can effectively present content. If a user must initiate the delivery of some type of information, the learning experience is limited to what the user already knows or can easily identify a need for. In reality, information that is often most impactful to the learner is not recognizable by the individual and therefore is often left inaccessible.
An intelligent system will be able to overcome the individual’s deficiency in judging cognitive load capabilities and awareness of content relevance. A JITIR agent will constantly scan the environment, recognize opportunities, and match those opportunities with ones that the learner is cognitively able to ingest. Over time, I imagine this could greatly increase learner self-efficacy and stimulate new areas of interest. In addition, it could refine knowledge in certain domains and filter unnecessary information, freeing up mental capacities for more meaningful tasks.
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