Three – Dhairya
Posted: February 28th, 2013 | Author: jasongao | Filed under: Assignment 3 | No Comments »I found some interesting insights mostly relating to the psychology and the ergonomics of a wearable display and a just in time system. I hope to use these in my thinking process.
-Factors of a context aware system: physical, temporal, information
-Users of a wearable system (henceforth called ‘wusers’) use more of the same information than a user who has no convenient way of accessing that information
-Present information to wusers in ways that can be ignored but is accessible
-Proactively queried information can be more distracting than suggestively queried information
-Zipf’s Principle of Least Effort: People will try to minimize their total future work, given their best estimates at the time and chooses the strategy with the best cost/benefit trade-off.
-More than two seconds of response delay is unacceptable and will result in fewer uses of a particular tool, even at the cost of decreased accuracy
-Focused attention and divided attention
-Proximity compatibility principle: High display proximity (similarity) helps in tasks with similar mental proximity, and where information is related and needs to be treated together
-’Ramping interface’ where information is conveyed in stages.
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