
achang's blog

Asgn - Branding

pdf with notes attached

Audio Wayfinding System

audio landscape + personal virtual audio companion approach

Facades: 3 proposals


I tried to combine a lot of things, so each has different approaches, but all ended up interactive/participatory.

Yet another facade example: Urban Echo

Audience members contribute content through text messaging, and display takes facade elements (namely windows) into account.



Sort of similar to TXTual Healing in that way.

Another facade example: Space Invaders 2006 (NYU ITP)

"Space Invaders 2006 uses a person’s motions to control a video game projected on the facade of a building. Players move their bodies to control an aircraft and shoot down enemies before they descend and vanish off the facade. Dodging and jumping, the pedestrian engages in a game with the building."

Watching the movie is probably the fastest way to understand the project:

player invaders

Detailed project documentation here:

Vertical Travel: POINT.OF.VIEW

a video installation for two (or more) glass elevators

Assignment #04: vertical travel installation

(Just a heads up about the next assignment, from Dave, in case you wanted to start thinking about it earlier. Please first be sure to read the readings for Ben Rubin's lecture. This design assignment will be due next Tuesday, on March 3rd.)

Design an installation that would work with either E14's elevator OR one or more staircases. This can be either an artistic installation, or
it could be an informational intervention with some specific function. It can be sited inside the elevator, outside the cab, or in close relation
to any of the stairs. This installation should enhance your experience of vertical travel in E14. You may, for example, create an installation
that encourages the building inhabitants to engage in more vertical travel and social interaction.

For this assignment, I would prefer to see an animation. If, however, you feel that your design can be thoughtfully expressed in some other way (sketches, models, etc.), that is also acceptable.

Readings for Feb. 26th (Ben Rubin Guest Lecture)

Dear class,

Ben Rubin has suggested four short readings for us in preparation for class on Thursday.


updated a couple slides, and made a very very short animation

Assignment #2 Phase 2 reminders

Hi all,

Dave wanted to send out a reminder for the homework and class next Tuesday. Please plan your presentation ahead of class, since you will only be given 5 min. per person to explain your project. We have set this time limit so we will have enough time for discussion after each presentation. We do not expect you to cover every aspect of your project during presentation; we can read about the details from your online submission. Instead, for your presentation, just pick out the parts of your ideas that you find the most important and share them with the class.

Ask/post/email if you have any questions!

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