New Textiles 2012


Random Tree Code

A tree generator that includes randomness.

Laser Cut Lace

Due: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Write a program, or modify an existing program, to create a two dimensional pattern and use a laser cutter to turn it into a sheet of lace. You are also welcome to then incorporate the lace into a larger design. Create a post that documents your project and add it [...]

Some experimants

Thermochromatic Grid I colored thread with thermochromatic ink (just dipped it in a cup with some liquid color). After it dried I used the bumps of the Lego bricks of the walls of the mold to create a grid with two layers of thread. The original idea was to put current on the tread but [...]

Composite Variations

This week I made three composite textiles using a duplication polymer that is mostly used in dentistry. I also use this polymer to make many of the samples I use in my research, so I thought it would be fun to use it in new and experimental ways.

Candied Silicone

For my nonwoven project, I wanted to play with casting solid materials in silicone, so I decided to cast different candies in the form of jewelry. At first I was not sure what kind of reaction silicone would have to sugars but it turned out that the silicone cured well around the sugary delectables. I chose [...]


This week, since I had never caste silicon, I decided to focus my project on learning the basics of casting. However, as with all of my projects, I wanted to ensure that there was seme functional purpose to me efforts. Introducing the Walicon — A Wallet Made of Silicon. In addition to making a function [...]

Giacomo Balla’s Stained Glass Window

This week our assignment was to “Make a piece of flexible non-woven fabric at least 6″x6″ (~15cm x 15cm) with some noteworthy characteristic. (An unusual blend of materials, interesting structural characteristics, embedded circuitry, special electrical properties …?)” We were given a tutorial on casting latex rubber and silicone. I practiced using the latex rubber and [...]

See-shell move

After multiple failed attempts of making other nitinol-based kinetic textile project, I tried making a small shell-shaped wearable brooch using felt and nitinol (shape changing alloy). Below are pictures of the first project I tried before moving on to the shell project. attempt 1 -pinwheel jacket The idea was to use the nitinol to pull [...]


A “wallflower” is someone who is shy, and who no one really knows. But that person can be some of the most interesting people we have ever met. This project is a tribute to those seemingly shy, yet extraordinarily interesting people. The materials I used to make this installation include felt, 2-ply paper, heat-bound paper, about 8 [...]

Hot Fold

I wanted to make something that would bloom. I used some folding patterns developed by Ron Resch and simplified them into a unit. Below is the diagram. Folding lamp Matrix I used did a series of tests to determine what the best stitch pattern for a shrinking flexinol wire. These are the diagrams: Folding lamp [...]