Jifei Ou

MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group / MS2


★★★ Art
★★★★ Architecture
★★★ Craft/Fabrication
★★★★ Design
★★★★ DIY Electronics
★★★★ Electrical Eng.
★★★★ Mech. Eng.
★★★★ Programming/CS

Prior to the Media Lab, I was studying product design in Germany. I have a firm background on form-giving and form language. I have been also playing & experimenting electronics and programming for 3 years.

to develop my own vision of human-technology interaction. I’m very interested how bodily engagement could be integrated in digital storytelling.


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About tonytang

Sheng Kai Tang (Tony) - www.tonytang2009.com 1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Tangible Interfaces Group, tonytang@media.mit.edu Background/Experience It took me 20 years to study and work in diverse domains. From Architecture to Human Computer Interaction, I was trained to balance my thoughts with both right and left sides of my brain. From academic to industrial fields, I am used to not only imagine perfect scenarios of the future but rationalize them to become true.