About tonytang

Sheng Kai Tang (Tony) - www.tonytang2009.com 1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Tangible Interfaces Group, tonytang@media.mit.edu Background/Experience It took me 20 years to study and work in diverse domains. From Architecture to Human Computer Interaction, I was trained to balance my thoughts with both right and left sides of my brain. From academic to industrial fields, I am used to not only imagine perfect scenarios of the future but rationalize them to become true.

Jifei Ou

MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group / MS2


★★★ Art
★★★★ Architecture
★★★ Craft/Fabrication
★★★★ Design
★★★★ DIY Electronics
★★★★ Electrical Eng.
★★★★ Mech. Eng.
★★★★ Programming/CS

Prior to the Media Lab, I was studying product design in Germany. I have a firm background on form-giving and form language. I have been also playing & experimenting electronics and programming for 3 years.

to develop my own vision of human-technology interaction. I’m very interested how bodily engagement could be integrated in digital storytelling.


Project 0: COLLABORATIVE IDEATION (due Sept 18)

Design of Digitally Augmented Collaborative Ideation Tools

For this first project assignment, please work solo to design a new collaborative ideation tool. Your presentation of this project will serve as your introduction to the other students and should facilitate team forming for the later projects, which will be done in teams.

Your project idea could address any aspect of the collaborative ideation process – e.g. brainstorming, sketching ideas, organizing and sharing ideas, and physical prototyping – in either collocated or remote settings. It should also combine the physical and digital worlds to represent bits and atoms at the same time.

Deliverables for this assignment:

  • A working prototype is not required. You may also create a cardboard prototype, 3d visualization, lego model, video sketch, etc.
  • For this first presentation we will use a reduced PechaKucha-style format. You should show 10 slides for 20 seconds each (or a video no longer than 150 seconds), and we will have 2 minutes of Q&A, resulting in a rapid-fire presentation of 5 minutes and 20 seconds per person.
  • Please introduce yourself briefly with the first slides.
  • Slides/presentation including information on the design, prototype and some related work.
  • Projects have to be documented on the class website. Please log in with the user account you should have received via email, and post your slides and description using the category “— Project 0: COLLABORATIVE IDEATION”. Your project documentation on the class website is due on presentation day by noon (Sept. 18th).

Related Information


Design and implement an interaction system consisting of both tangible objects and digital augmentations. Tangible objects serve as handles or representations of digital information. Please create good metaphors that seamlessly connect atoms and bits (e.g. tangible object and its digital shadow).

For this project, please work in teams of 3-5 people.

Presentation in class

  • Slideshow with motivation, related projects (ACM digital library) is a good place to start), design rationale and usage scenarios.
  • Presentation of your project as a team. Each team will have about 10 minutes to present its project and a few more minutes of Q & A.
  • Prototype that is at least partly functional
  • (Optional) video demonstrating the interface

Documentation on website

Please create a page for your team’s project. This should include:

  • The name and the member of the team;
  • Text description of your project system;
  • At least three picture demonstrating your system;
  • A link to your presentation slides.
  • Video link to youtube or vimeo (optional)



Propose an application for Radical Atoms, consisting of an interface that combines both physical input and output. Build a simple prototype to test your interface and propose how it could be extended with shape changing materials in the future.

For this project, please work in teams of 3-5 people.



  • Slideshow with motivation, related projects (ACM digital library is a good place to start), design rationale and usage scenarios.
  • Presentation of your project as a team. Each team will have about 15 minutes to present its project and 10 minutes of Q & A.
  • Prototype that is at least partly functional
  • (Optional) video demonstrating the complete scenarios

Web Page

  • Set the visibility of the page as password protected (the password should be the same as the schedule page) if your team plan to publish
  • The name and the member of the team;
  • The division of work for your project
  • Text description of your project system;
  • At least three picture demonstrating your system;
  • A link to your presentation slides.
  • Video link to youtube or vimeo (optional)
