About hsyang

I am first year Master's student in Speech Mobility group in the Media Lab. I am fresh out of college; I majored in Media Arts and Sciences. For the arts, I concentrated on digital imaging, 3d modeling and animation. My technical work is focused on Augmented Reality, hand gesture recognition systems, computer graphics and computer vision.

Hye Soo Yang

Speech + Mobility Group MS1 Media Lab


★★★★ Art
★★☆☆ Architecture
★★★☆ Craft/Fabrication
★★★★ Design
★☆☆☆ DIY Electronics
★☆☆☆ Electrical Eng.
★★☆☆ Mech. Eng.
★★★★ Programming/CS


I have a balanced background between media arts and programming. For the arts, I concentrated on digital imaging, video production, 3d modeling, and animation. I have experience in product design and fabrication as well. As for my technical work, my focus is in Augmented Reality, computer graphics and computer vision. I have some background in electrical and mechanical engineering; I have built simple robots in the past.


I believe that having a tangible interface when interacting with devices opens up more realistic and intimate experience to the users than mere mouse clicking and typing. I am interested in creating a new tangible interface (particularly involving media technology) that could make such interaction even more interesting and personal yet practical.