Design and implement an interaction system consisting of both tangible objects and digital augmentations. Tangible objects serve as handles or representations of digital information. Please create good metaphors that seamlessly connect atoms and bits (e.g. tangible object and its digital shadow).

For this project, please work in teams of 3-5 people.

Presentation in class

  • Slideshow with motivation, related projects (ACM digital library) is a good place to start), design rationale and usage scenarios.
  • Presentation of your project as a team. Each team will have about 10 minutes to present its project and a few more minutes of Q & A.
  • Prototype that is at least partly functional
  • (Optional) video demonstrating the interface

Documentation on website

Please create a page for your team’s project. This should include:

  • The name and the member of the team;
  • Text description of your project system;
  • At least three picture demonstrating your system;
  • A link to your presentation slides.
  • Video link to youtube or vimeo (optional)


This entry was posted in Project 1: TANGIBLES WITH DIGITAL SHADOWS, Student Projects by tonytang. Bookmark the permalink.

About tonytang

Sheng Kai Tang (Tony) - 1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Tangible Interfaces Group, Background/Experience It took me 20 years to study and work in diverse domains. From Architecture to Human Computer Interaction, I was trained to balance my thoughts with both right and left sides of my brain. From academic to industrial fields, I am used to not only imagine perfect scenarios of the future but rationalize them to become true.