Propose an application for Radical Atoms, consisting of an interface that combines both physical input and output. Build a simple prototype to test your interface and propose how it could be extended with shape changing materials in the future.

For this project, please work in teams of 3-5 people.



  • Slideshow with motivation, related projects (ACM digital library is a good place to start), design rationale and usage scenarios.
  • Presentation of your project as a team. Each team will have about 15 minutes to present its project and 10 minutes of Q & A.
  • Prototype that is at least partly functional
  • (Optional) video demonstrating the complete scenarios

Web Page

  • Set the visibility of the page as password protected (the password should be the same as the schedule page) if your team plan to publish
  • The name and the member of the team;
  • The division of work for your project
  • Text description of your project system;
  • At least three picture demonstrating your system;
  • A link to your presentation slides.
  • Video link to youtube or vimeo (optional)


This entry was posted in Project 2: PROGRAMMABLE MATERIAlLITY, Student Projects by tonytang. Bookmark the permalink.

About tonytang

Sheng Kai Tang (Tony) - 1st year Masters, MIT Media Lab, Tangible Interfaces Group, Background/Experience It took me 20 years to study and work in diverse domains. From Architecture to Human Computer Interaction, I was trained to balance my thoughts with both right and left sides of my brain. From academic to industrial fields, I am used to not only imagine perfect scenarios of the future but rationalize them to become true.