
Posted: May 21st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Final Paper | No Comments »

In this paper, we propose the idea of using bare-hand gestures as a way to search for online 3D shape models. This idea is based on the survey of current development of search and 3D technologies. We believe that with more and more 3D data stored on the cloud and the coming Google Glass, a new and better way to search for required 3D data is needed. In this project, we proposed three scenarios and implemented them as demos of concepts and found some research issues which can be further discussed and developed in the future.

Full Paper: g-Search

Cassandra Final

Posted: May 21st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Final Paper | No Comments »

Much of modern habit change stems from two disjoint approaches. Behavioral biologists study habits using brain imaging and rigorous tests, and often propose low-tech proposals for habit change. Designers build technological solutions with little behavioral grounding and test their solutions against naïve control groups.  Habit change remains difficult and the time is overdue to merge the technological solutions of designers with the rigorous theoretical foundation built by behavioral biologists. This paper describes my own attempts to design behavior intervention devices and how I, too, fell into the trap of designing without considering the underlying biological processes.


Full Paper: Technology for Habit Change


Posted: May 21st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Final Paper | No Comments »

In this paper, I present an interaction mode that amplifies different sound by gazing at its source. Human ears are not good at focusing/defocusing on a certain sound. This causes distraction. I envision a system that uses gaze as guide to shift amplified sound in the physical world. I also demonstrate an working art installation that allows people to experience this interaction mode.


Final Paper – Dhairya

Posted: May 20th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Final Paper | No Comments »

Dhairya – Sensory Augmentation for Music Learning

In this paper we discuss a system for haptic music learning. We have implemented and tested six different methods of haptic actuation for the finger. We explore different factors – cultural, accuracy, comfort, perception that play a role in the effectiveness of different haptic methods. Finally we outline an entire system based on the Orff Schulwerk for a wearable exoskeleton for exploratory music learning.

The Remindful Bracelet – Final Paper – Sophia

Posted: May 20th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Final Paper, Project | No Comments »

The Remindful Bracelet

Abstract: Mindfulness, the practice of being aware of the present moment, has been shown to improve focus, willpower, and both mental and physical health. However, adopting the habit of mindfulness is a difficult barrier to overcome for many. As a solution, this paper outlines The Remindful Bracelet, a device intended to augment mindfulness by giving meaningful cues throughout the day to remind the user to reflect on the current moment.

PDF: The Remindful Bracelet

Anirudh Paper-final

Posted: May 16th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Final Paper | No Comments »

My submission for final assignment is attached